Almost closing time!

We’re finally here, it’s finally the week of closing! Even though it was roller coaster of a ride, we are finally taking the last step to getting our house. Even getting to this last step was a bit of a wild ride. When we were exactly one week away from closing we got a phone call from our lender saying my husband’s verification of employment paperwork was done wrong… for the third time! Friday morning we were scrambling to get this straightened out, because we are either getting a yes or a no from the underwriter that day. If we were not approved that day, our closing could be delayed another week, which wouldn’t be too bad except for the fact my dad is flying out here to be supportive and to celebrate with us. It not only took my husband’s manger getting involved, but also his district manager, as well, to try to get the HR person to fill it out correctly. All he needed to do was state when the person was employed, what their wages were, and con...