Why Should You Buy and Sell in the Winter?

Have you been considering purchasing a new home? Do you think that you should wait until the weather is warmer? Well your residential specialists in the Denver Metro Area, Jeffrey Harmes and The Harmes Team, know that there are many good reasons to search for your new home and purchase it now and into the winter months.

The summer months (June and July) are the peak months of the year for buying and selling, which means prices will be higher and the competition will be fierce. You may end up being out bid and lose the house you wanted. On the other hand, when you decide to buy in the winter months there are many advantages.

This time of year evokes a kindness in people because of the “Holiday Spirit” and that can bode well for you the buyer. Also around this time of year people want their homes to look their best for family who is visiting or any other company, so you will be able to see it decorated for the holidays.

Check out these advantages of buying during the winter months:
·         Fewer buyers means less competition and more time to make a decision
·         Sellers are more willing to accommodate potential buyers
·         Allows you to see how the house holds up in the cold weather
·         Industry professionals will be more accessible
·         Movers tend to lower their costs during winter months
·         You will be able to see how well neighbors tend to driveways and sidewalks in the snow
·         You can see whether towns plow or salt icy streets
·         You might even see the neighborhood decorated for the holidays

These are all really appealing reasons to home search in the winter! If you are still concerned about how the house looks during the warmer months, you may consider asking the seller if they have photos of the home during those months so you will have a nice picture of the house during the whole year.

Are you trying to sell your home during the winter months? Check out this list of things to do that will give the buyer the best experience, and in turn make him, or her, want to buy your house.

·         Trim trees so winds don’t knock down branches that could cause damage
·         Placing a  holiday welcome mat and festive wreath on your door can be very inviting
·         Keep the front door clear of things like bicycles, toys, or delivered packages
·         Play some soft holiday music for ambiance
·         Keep the house warm and cozy
·         Light the fireplace just before a showing
·         You could decorate a tree in your living or family room to compliment it
·         Keep any holiday decorations more conservative, you want your home to be noticed, not your decorations
·         For an evening showing, turn on holiday lights
·         Make sure your windows are sparkling clean
·         Make sure there is plenty of light by opening blinds or curtains and turning on interior lights
·         Bake holiday cookies and treats to fill the house with enticing aromas. 
·         Leave those treats and some hot chocolate for your guests.

So you see your residential specialists in the Denver Metro Area, Jeffrey Harmes and The Harmes Team, want you to know that this time of the year is the perfect time to buy a home! 

Also we want you to know how to better market your home if you are looking to sell this time of year. So if you are considering buying or selling a home give us a call at (303)- 915-4357.

#Buying #Selling #HarmesTeam


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