When you are selling your home you may think that once you start talking about showing your home through what’s called an “OPEN HOUSE” that you are finished and that your house is as good as sold. However, your residential specialists in the Denver Metro Area, Jeffrey Harmes & The Harmes Team , know that there a few things you may want to consider doing in order to really catch the home buyer’s eye and show them that your home is a hot commodity. First look at these things you can do inside the house : You want to make it “generic” meaning put away family photos, and take children’s art, shopping lists, and doctors visit reminders off of the refrigerator. Doing this gives other people the best chance of picturing the house as theirs. During the day turn on the lights in your home and open the shades/blinds Another thing you’ll want to do is put all personal items away such as: deodorant, toothbrushes, and perfumes. In the kitchen put the Cuisinart and ...